DARG Visitors
DARG has a long history of hosting visiting colleagues at our Loughborough campus, and we welcome applications to join our research community for a few weeks – or longer. As a visitor, you will be involved in our weekly (global) DARG data sessions, internal discussions, collaborations, and socials. You can audit our courses (where possible), and generally join in with academic life in our group.
This page provides some tips about how to organise a visit, with insights from previous DARG visitors.
Visiting PhD Researchers
The first step is to get in touch with a potential host (any current DARG faculty member) who can support you through the process. Usually this is someone whose research area intersects with your own – but it doesn’t have to!
The official process involves filling out this visiting student application form and providing a letter confirming that you are registered for a PhD at your ‘home’ institution and will remain a PhD student after the end of your visit. Send the completed application form and letter to the School of Social Sciences and Humanities Administrator (Scosciresearch@lboro.ac.uk) who will be able to do the first stage of processing before sending it to the Doctoral College Office.
Visiting student applications are processed at least 6 weeks before the start of the visit, so please make sure you’ve given yourself enough time – especially if your visit might require you to get a visa.
Visiting Fellows
Loughborough University hosts two regularly funded visiting fellowship opportunities through our Institute of Advanced Studies‘ fellowship programmes:
- Short ‘Open Programme’ IAS Visiting Fellowships (lasting for around a week). These are usually about developing/running collaborative research projects, co-publications and funding applications and are supported to the tune of £3500. There are four deadlines throughout the year in late October, January, April and July, for visits taking place in the following quarter.
- Longer IAS Residential Fellowships offer a month-long residency including on-campus accommodation, travel expenses, and a £1000 stipend.These fellowships run between September and July. Deadlines are usually in April for the following year. They usually involve the development of a larger-scale project or an extended collaboration.
- We have also successfully supported a range of externally awarded fellowships including Fulbright, British Academy Newton Fellowships and Global Professorships, and Leverhulme Visiting Fellowships – these usually involve a more in-depth development of a collaborative project.
More generic information for staff visitors is available at the academic visitor guidance page.