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Data session: 10th January, Mehmet Ali Icbay, The order in motion: Interactional accomplishment in the traffic
January 10, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm GMT
DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid data session. Room B124 (Brockington Building, Loughborough) or on zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82657058417?pwd=b0NqMTFJK2ZxaGc2RFQ1VExmQUFPUT09. password: DARG.
Session details: This presentation is about demonstrating how the order in the traffic is accomplished by a group of drivers, riders and pedestrians (e.g., road-users). The data is taken from a two-minute video-recorded traffic in Meskel Square in Addis Ababa. It is recorded as part of traffic surveillance and security from a bird’s eye view of an uncontrolled intersection at Meskel Square. The sequential analyses aim to make observable how the vehicles and pedestrians in this four-way uncontrolled intersection achieve the order while they make available this order to each other. The analyses suggest that the interactional machinery that the road-users develop to navigate through the traffic is a simple ordinary accomplishment: They consistently calculate the speed, distance and direction of others in the traffic.
Transcript: The order in motion: Interactional accomplishment in the traffic