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Data session: 24th April, Jessica Robles: Topicalising mental health in media
April 24, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm BST
DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid data session:
Room SCH1:21 (Schofield Building Building, Loughborough)
Or on zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82657058417?pwd=b0NqMTFJK2ZxaGc2RFQ1VExmQUFPUT09.
Password: DARG.
Session details: The data are from a growing corpus featuring explicit topicalisations of “mental health” as a social issue in mediated contexts (such as talk show interviews). The project is interested in how people formulate descriptions of mental health (for example, uses of diagnostic language), how narrated events are presented as mental-health-relevant, and interactional work involved in managing how (and by what accounts) persons are categorised in relation to mental health.
Transcript: Topicalising Mental Health in Media