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Data session: 24th January, Xiaoxin Ma, Directives and Interactions with Autistic Children
January 24, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm GMT
DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid data session. Room B124 (Brockington Building, Loughborough) or on zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82657058417?pwd=b0NqMTFJK2ZxaGc2RFQ1VExmQUFPUT09. password: DARG.
Session details: In this session, we will be looking at data on the interaction between therapists and children with autism: specifically focusing on therapists’ directives and corresponding responses from autistic children. We are interested in the resources employed in the therapist’s directives and how they are accomplished. Other observations are also welcome.
Transcript: Directives and Interactions with Autistic Children