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Data session: 13th March, Azar Raoufi Masouleh, Multimodal Layerings in Google Translate Mediated Manager-Employee Meetings

Schofield Building, Room SCH1:21, and online

DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid data session. Room 1:21 (Schofield Building Building, Loughborough) or on zoom: password: DARG. Session details:  In this data session, I aim to analyze a video-recorded interaction from a multilingual company in Sweden, where many employees communicate in languages other than Swedish or English. The focal meeting involves […]

Data session: 20th March, Tilly Flint, Early Years Mathematics Learning

Schofield Building, Room SCH1:21, and online

DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid data session. Room 1:21 (Schofield Building Building, Loughborough) or on zoom: password: DARG. Session details:  In this session, we will present video data recorded in Early Years education settings. The data comes from a data set collected in private nurseries, pre-schools, and foundation units in the UK. […]

Data session: 27th March, Charles Antaki: Going through a health-check questionnaire in primary care

Schofield Building, Room SCH1:21, and online

DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid data session: Room SCH1:21 (Schofield Building Building, Loughborough) Or on zoom: Password: DARG. Session details: In this data session, we shall be looking at a short section of a consultation between a GP and a patient with some communication difficulties (which may or may not be […]

Data session: 17th April, Selena Mariano: Trial talk about gender-based violence

Brockington Building U.1.22 and online

DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid data session: Room U1.22 (Brockington Building, Loughborough) Or on zoom: Password: DARG. Session details: In this session, a short extract from a cross-examination between a defence attorney and a survivor in a trial for rape will be shown. The data is taken from the US trial 'CA […]

Data session: 24th April, Jessica Robles: Topicalising mental health in media

Schofield Building, Room SCH1:21, and online

DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid data session: Room SCH1:21 (Schofield Building Building, Loughborough) Or on zoom: Password: DARG. Session details: The data are from a growing corpus featuring explicit topicalisations of “mental health” as a social issue in mediated contexts (such as talk show interviews). The project is interested in how people […]

Data session: 1st May, Alexandra Kent: Learning to Leave the Family Dinner Table: Socialisation in Interaction

Schofield Building, Room SCH1:21, and online

DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid data session: Room SCH1:21 (Schofield Building Building, Loughborough) Or on zoom: Password: DARG. Session details: In this session I will present video recordings of family mealtimes in which participants co-ordinate ending a shared meal and leaving the table. The children in this family are not typically permitted […]

Data session: 8th May, Marco Pino & David Edmonds: Misgendering as contested reality

Schofield Building, Room SCH1:21, and online

DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid data session: Room SCH1:21 (Schofield Building Building, Loughborough) Or on zoom: Password: DARG. Session details: We have been working on misgendering for a while. We are starting to reflect on how some interactional instances of misgendering entail reality disjunctures (Pollner, 1975). What we mean is that some instances of misgendering are […]

Data session: 15th May, Xiaoxin (Sadie) Ma: Interaction between practitioners and children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Schofield Building, Room SCH1:21, and online

DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid data session: Room SCH1:21 (Schofield Building Building, Loughborough) Or on zoom: Password: DARG. Session details: In this data session we will be specifically focusing on the therapist's directives and how they mobilise appropriate responses from the autistic child. We are interested in the different resources employed in […]

Data session: 22nd May, Giorgia Pellegrino: Teachers accounting for their professional practices in parent-teacher conferences

Schofield Building, Room SCH1:21, and online

DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid data session: Room SCH1:21 (Schofield Building Building, Loughborough) Zoom registration link:  (NB: we are now collecting some basic information on who comes to DARG) Session details: In this data session, we will present some data from a corpus of video-recorded parent-teacher conferences in Italian primary […]

Data session: 29th May, Lynn de Rijk: Human-nonhuman sense-making

Schofield Building, Room SCH1:21, and online

DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid data session: Room SCH1:21 (Schofield Building Building, Loughborough) Zoom registration link:  (NB: we are now collecting some basic information on who comes to DARG) Session details: In this data session, we will look at interactions between humans and cats in a Dutch cat café. We […]

Data session: 5th June, Johan Siebers: “You’re a good rower, honey”: Some methodological remarks on the relation between Conversation Analysis and Rhetoric

Schofield Building, Room SCH1:21, and online

DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid discussion session: Room SCH1:21 (Schofield Building Building, Loughborough) Zoom registration link:  (NB: we are now collecting some basic information on who comes to DARG) Session details: In this session, I will not present data for collective discussion. Rather, I want to present some considerations about […]

Data session: 12th June, Deborah Chinn: Mental health promotion groupwork for adults with learning disabilities

Schofield Building, Room SCH1:21, and online

DARG will run at 13:00-14:30 UK time as a hybrid data session: Room SCH1:21 (Schofield Building Building, Loughborough) Zoom registration link:  (NB: we are now collecting some basic information on who comes to DARG) Session details: The data will be taken from video recordings of an online group designed for adults with intellectual disabilities to […]